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The Graph

Important Note

The Graph nodes provided by EXPchain are only a sandbox. The Graph admin endpoint is made public to allow anyone to be able to use it for testing. Projects should run their own Graph instances in production and avoid exposing the admin endpoint.

EXPchain Testnet Sandbox

An example deployed subgraph is available for block on EXPchain Testnet.

Deploying Subgraphs

Install graph-cli

GitHub - graphprotocol/graph-tooling: Monorepo for various tools used by subgraph developers.

Write your subgraph

See Creating a Subgraph . You can also use an example project like v2-uniswap.

Upgrade the manifest

Update the network properties in the subgraph.yaml manifest file. The network name for EXPchain is expchain-testnet.

Create your subgraph

graph create <subgraph-name> --node

Deploy your subgraph

graph deploy <subgraph-name> --debug --ipfs --node

Once deployed, your graph should now be deployed and accessible via the GraphQL Server. It can be accessed at: