Testnet Faucet
To get Test tokens on EXPchain Testnet, faucets are available on EXPchain Testnet, ETH Sepolia and BSC Testnet at https://faucet.expchain.ai
- Select a Network: Choose from EXPchain Testnet, ETH Sepolia, or BSC Testnet.
- Input your address to claim the test token.
- 0.01 tZKJ per 24 hours on each network.
- To apply for a significant allocation of test tokens, please submit a request to the DC administrator.
🌟To use test tokens acquired from Sepolia or BSC Testnet, they must be bridged to the EXPchain Testnet.
Devnet Faucet
To get Test tokens on EXPchain Devnet, visit the EXPchain Devnet faucet at https://faucet-devnet.expchain.ai/
- Input your address to start the token mining.
- When you've collected enough tZKJ, stop mining and claim your rewards.