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GKR Input Layer Chunks


In a typical GKR protocol, the prover commits the input, which is interpreted as a multi-linear polynomial, first, proceeds with several rounds of sumchecks, and finally open the polynomial at a random challenge. While this protocol is simple and well-known, it does not consider the case that many circuits may share partially or all of their inputs, leading to two major inefficiencies.

  1. The same input is commited multiple times, adding the cost of commiting a polynomial.
  2. It is hard for the prover to justify that different circuits are using the private input, introducing extra cost.

We adopt a slightly different workflow in our protocol where the same input will only be commited once, which serves as the digest of that input across all circuits.


We consider a simple case first where there are three circuits A,B,CA, B, C. The input of AA has a length of 2N2N, while the the input of BB and CC has a length of NN. For simplicity, we assume NN is a power of 2, and n=log2(N)n = \log_2(N). The prover would like to prove the following claim:

There exists some input I1,I2I_1, I_2 of length N,s.t.A(I1,I2)=0,B(I1)=0N, s.t. A(I_1, I_2) = 0, B(I_1) = 0, and C(I2)=0C(I_2) = 0. To avoid extensive polynomial commitments and to ensure the consistency of inputs across different circuits, the prover would proceed as follows:

  1. compute comI1=commit(I1),comI2=commit(I2)\mathsf{com_{I_1}} = commit(I_1), \mathsf{com_{I_2}} = commit(I_2).
  2. Use comI1,comI2\mathsf{com_{I_1}}, \mathsf{com_{I_2}} to initiate the transcript.
  3. Produce the gkr proof (excluding the final opening) of circuits A,B,CA, B, C.
  4. At the end, the prover is required to open the input of A,B,CA, B, C at some random challenge rA,rB,rCr_A, r_B, r_C respectively, where rA=n+1,rB=n,rC=n|r_A| = n + 1, |r_B| = n, |r_C| = n. To do so, the prover actually opens I1I_1 at two challenge points rA[:n]{r_A}_{[:n]}, and rBr_B. Similarly, it opens I2I_2 at rA[:n]{r_A}_{[:n]}, and rCr_C.

The verifier follows a similar workflow except that in the 4-th step, it constructs the opening of circuit A's input by itself, with the help of the opening of I1I_1 and I2I_2 at rA[:n]{r_A}_{[:n]}. The construction is simple as follows thanks to multi-linearity of the input.

Open((I1,I2),rA)=(1rA[n])Open(I1,rA[:n])+rA[n]Open(I2,rA[:n])Open((I_1, I_2), r_A) = (1 - {r_A}_{[n]}) \cdot Open(I_1, {r_A}_{[:n]}) + {r_A}_{[n]}\cdot Open(I_2, {r_A}_{[:n]})

A more general definition

The input of a circuit can be chunked into arbitrary continous pieces P1,P2,...PmP_1, P_2, ... P_m, but with the following limitations:

  1. The size Tk=Pk,k[m]T_k=|P_k|, \forall k\in[m] must be a power of 2.
  2. If a piece has a size of TkT_k, then its starting position must be a multiple of TT.
  3. k[m]Pk=I\cup_{k\in[m]} P_k = I, where II is the whole input.
  4. Pk1Pk2=,k1[m],k2[m],k1k2P_{k_1} \cap P_{k_2} = \emptyset, \forall k_1 \in [m], k_2 \in [m], k_1 \neq k_2.

The prover would take the description of this chunking, along with the commitment of each chunk (and potentially some extra information facilating the opening), and proceed with the similar steps as descriped in the previous example.

Use the output of other circuits

In the proving of a groups of circuits, it may also happen that the output of a circuit, either public or private, is used as the input of many following circuits.

We can adopt a similar approach as described above by commiting the output first and then use that as the signature of all following usages.